From the inner garden, behind curtains and drapes,
A little sweet poem was sent for a moon-night date.
But sth troubled her mind and seized her rosy face.
As the party was over, he came to her west chamber.
She had to have all doors closed to keep him at bay.
So close were the hearts, yet a thousand miles apart.
Most blossoms faded, leaving butterflies lost in dismay.
He played a melody on Sheng and she echoed in heart.
Growing over the low garden wall where he long gazed,
A blooming bough leaned over, the red apricot flowers.
Alas, shy love is often given away by the flushed cheeks
Trying to hide a burning fire of desire in a familiar street,-
Just a few shots for the thrilled joy between cold realities
Of long hours waiting in silent desolation and desperation.
An open love life plays safe with a dedicated company,
A routine ride on a known course for a known destination,
Free of worldly barriers, gradually free of tender romance.
Lovers taste buds often grow fervent on uncharted regions.
What marks a great taste of pleasure, tender and intense? -
The stolen ecstasy of erotic moments, secret and forbidden.
Sheng: a traditional wind musical instrument made with bamboo pipes.
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