何处是归程?长亭更短亭。(更短亭 一作:连短亭)
O'er far-flung wooded plain wreaths of smoke weave a screen,
Cold mountains stretch into a belt of sorrowful green.
The dusk invades the tower high
Where someone sighs a longing sigh.
On marble steps she waits in vain
But to see birds fly back amain.
Where should she gaze to find her dear?
She sees but stations far and near.
As early as the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127),this poem and the following were considered to be the two earliest literary lyrics written by Li Bai (701-762).This poem describes the sorrow of a young woman who mounts a high tower at dusk,looks far into the wooded plain and the belt-like mountains,but fails to find her husband oh his way home.
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